3 Fundraising Hacks for the Kelly Brush Ride
Question #14 on the 2017 Kelly Brush Ride Survey:
“If you didn’t fundraise, what could we do to make fundraising more appealing?”
[Actual Responses]
We get it. Fundraising can be daunting to start and easy to procrastinate. But there are easy ways to get started on a path to changing lives, earning cool prizes, and making the Kelly Brush Ride a huge success!
Below are 3 easy ways to kickstart your fundraising, whether you’ve started or not. And best of all, they work without even logging in to your Participant Center on the Kelly Brush Ride website. And maybe once you’ve dipped your toe in the fundraising waters, you’ll be inspired and ready for the tools you’ll find in your Participant Center. Regardless of how you do it, you will make an impact!
It only needs to take 5 minutes and will create stories like these!

Hack 1: Locate and copy link for your Personal Page
Hack 2: Email 10 friends and family
That’s it! You don’t need to spend hours culling through your entire contact list, but sending those first few can make it easy!
Simply copy, paste, and personalize the sample email text below and then paste your Personal Page link (that you found in Hack 1). Send the email to your friends, family and coworkers – and don’t be afraid to follow-up. REMEMBER: most people don’t donate after the first email they receive, even if they intend to donate at some point.
Sample email text:
Subject: Will you sponsor my Kelly Brush Ride?
Email Text:
I am riding in the Kelly Brush Ride powered by VBT Bicycling and Walking Vacations on September 8! I’m so excited to participate in this amazing charity ride, and I’m wondering if you will consider sponsoring me.
Link to my Personal Page: [PASTE YOUR LINK]
All of my fundraising efforts for the Kelly Brush Ride will go directly towards helping people with spinal cord injuries get active and improving ski racing safety. Follow this link to meet some of the people whose lives have been changed by donations to the Kelly Brush Foundation: https://kellybrushfoundation.org/adaptive-sports-stories/
Please join me in raising money for a great cause by sponsoring my ride. Just click on the link above and it will take you to my personal page where you can sponsor me.
Thank you in advance for your generosity!

Hack 3: Post to Facebook
Share your Personal Page on Facebook
Now that you have copied the link to your Personal Page, just post the link with a call-to-action on Facebook. It’s a great, low pressure way to reach many people who may be interested in supporting the mission of the Kelly Brush Foundation, and, more importantly, supporting YOU!
The image on your Personal Page (default one seen here) will automatically pop up with your name and link!
When you’re ready to use all the tools in your Participant Center, click the button below and see sample emails, donation tracking, and other fundraising tools!