
Funding to empower new experiences in adaptive sports for people with SCI.

Who KBF Scholarships Support

The Kelly Brush Foundation helps people with spinal cord injuries (SCI) get out, be active, and find independence and fulfillment in life post-injury. After an SCI, the barriers to getting active are real – physical, financial, and logistical. The KBF’s scholarships break down those barriers by providing financial support to individuals seeking to get active through first-time adaptive sports experiences or to test a piece of equipment. 

Please note: If you receive a grant, we may use your first name, state of residence, photos, and answers to specific questions for marketing purposes. But more importantly, we do want to stay in touch and hear about your experience with your new equipment.

Scholarships can be used to: 

  • Try new sports and recreation experiences (camps/clinics)
  • Gain more experience in a sport that you are a beginner at
  • Want further instruction or supervised experience to become independent using new equipment that you already own
  • Test different types of equipment before purchasing or applying for a grant