Kelly was injured in 2006 after striking an unprotected lift tower in a FIS-sanctioned race. Since then, Kelly and the Kelly Brush Foundation have been committed to preventing any more injuries like hers.

The Kelly Brush Foundation believes that the sport can eliminate serious injuries caused by striking stationary objects. The equipment and expertise exist. The only question is the whether stakeholders commit to that goal. We’re here to help. We provide safety equipment grants, advocate for safety awareness, and educate on proper safety practices. Since 2006 we’ve helped purchase thousands of rolls of b-net in every ski state in the US.

Safety Programming

Ski Racing Safety Equipment Grant Program

The KBF helps alpine ski clubs around the country purchase safety equipment like netting and padding. We also contribute to venue improvement initiatives. Funding requests are reviewed through an annual grant cycle with an application process.  2024 applications are now being reviewed by our grants committee and applicants will be notified regarding the status of their application in August

KBF Ski Racing Safety Equipment Grants are all matching grants–meaning that any grant awarded by the Kelly Brush Foundation will need to be matched by the ski club. We expect that clubs will join us in making safety a priority by fundraising or finding room in their budget for safety.



Stop the Bleed

In January 2018, Jonathan Davis suffered a critical, life-threatening laceration from his ski edge after it released in a crash. Since then, the KBF has partnered with the Davis family and the University of Vermont Medical Center on an initiative to provide life-saving bleeding control kits and training to programs and coaches through the United States.

Click “Learn More” to purchase Stop the Bleed kits at cost or to find a Stop the Bleed training near you.



We partner with US Ski & Snowboard to create and sustain an Alpine Competition and Safety Consultant. This role is designed to provide education materials, clinics, and other opportunities to coaches, clubs, and programs around the country. Seminars and clinics occur annually nationwide in the US. Additionally, presentations and materials have been featured in Europe at international training events and have been translated into 5+ languages.



We advocate for safety at various alpine ski races around the country, particularly the Killington World Cup. We also distribute a fun reminder of safety directly to every US Ski & Snowboard alpine club at the beginning of each season in the form of our “Ski Racing Safety is NO Accident” poster campaign.

150 grants awarded

80,000 feet of b-netting

Every state with alpine skiing