Thank you, Boston!
Many thanks to all of the committee, sponsors, and supporters who spread the word and came out to the KBF’s first ever Boston event last Thursday evening. With nearly 200 people registered, the Foundation couldn’t be more pleased with the outpouring of support. Not only did we raise nearly $55,000 at the event, we perhaps more importantly were able to tell the story of what we are doing to better improve the lives of those with spinal cord injuries and at the same time improve ski racing safety for all.
The evening featured several grant stories, with testimonials from grant recipients about just how impactful their KBF grant has been on their life. People like Joanna Adams, paralyzed in 2009 who received a monoski last year, and said “I feel about 95% normal most of the time but the KBF has made me feel 100% normal on the slopes.” And Rick Marion, paralyzed in 2000 who received an offroad handcycle in 2011 who said “You have no idea how much this has changed my life!” And Greg Durso, paralyzed in 2009, who traveled up from New York to attend the event, and who is training to compete in the Lake Placid Ironman Triathlon with his KBF granted handcycle – in his words “Amazing!”
Capping off the story of the Kelly Brush Foundation was a video telling the story from the words of Kelly, her family, and some of our grant recipients. Thanks to Shadow Productions of Burlington, VT for putting together this video!