Inspire!Vermont Raises Over $34,000
Over 160 supporters joined Kelly, her family and partners of the Kelly Brush Foundation to raise over $34,000 for KBF grant recipients!
Inspire!Vermont was a huge success. Held in Burlington on October 22, we brought together over 160 people to the South End Kitchen for an evening of fun and inspiration to raise money for our grant programs. Best of all, all proceeds will be awarded to deserving grant recipients within 2 weeks during our 2015 Grant Cycle. Learn More About Our Grant Recipients >>
You Can Still Donate! | Photo Gallery Coming Soon
From Kelly:
“Thank you to everyone that came out and supported me, my foundation and our incredible grant recipients. It was so great to see so many friendly faces as well as new friends in the crowd. I got up in front of you and talked about how the right attitude is as important as any opportunity to get out and be active. Your support inspires my attitude and encourages me to continue the work we do at the Kelly Brush Foundation!”
Special Thanks
Our sponsors:
Our incredible Host Committee and Volunteers Brigitte Ritchie, Ave Cook, Ann Irwin, Kim Dannies, Laura Latka, Johnny Beal, Faith Peters James, Lindsay Getz, Bill Shearer, Don Rendall, RB Klinkenberg, Tom Getz, Barb Giebink and Sandy Rendall
Our drink sponsor Switchback Brewing Co.
Our raffle donors Sugarbush Resort, Fischer Skis, and Mikeala Shiffrin
Our mission partners NDAA, Vermont Adaptive, and Craig Hospital
Our grant recipient representatives:
Timmy Brennan of Barre, VT
Tao Smith, Head of School at Killing Mountain School