Thank You Inspire!SanFrancisco

The Kelly Brush Foundation hosted our first-ever Inspire!SanFrancisco on Thursday, October 18th at the Olympic Club. Thanks to our incredible host committee, engaged attendees, local adaptive sports organization BORP, and sponsors the event was a huge success! We had over 200 people join us at Inspire!SanFrancisco, which was a surprising high number for a first-time event. Our host committee and local friends did a fantastic job introducing new people to the KBF. By the end of the evening $147,000 was raised to help people with spinal cord injuries purchase adaptive sports equipment! We are so grateful to everyone who contributed, your donation will help someone purchase the equipment they need to get active and be part of a community.
One of the highlights of the evening was surprising Steve with an Active Fund grant award! He is an inspiring member of the adaptive sports community in California, and we are thrilled to welcome him into the KBF family. He will be purchasing an offroad handcycle with the grant, which will allow him to hit the trail and be out in the woods with his friends and family. The donations we received at Inspire!SanFrancisco will help make many more stories like Steve’s!
We owe a big thanks to BORP (Bay Area Outreach & Recreation Program) and local grant recipients for bringing in some adaptive sports equipment for people to try! We had a virtual handcycle station set-up with Zwift to track speed and distance, plus some super high-tech offroad handcycles and sports chairs.
Thank you again everyone who made our inaugural Inspire!San Francisco such a special and successful night. Your support has a big impact!