Experience Community with Camps
The Kelly Brush Foundation hosts several camps throughout the year to provide exciting and immersive experiences for people with spinal cord injuries. Check out the upcoming camps, or sign up for our newsletter to stay tuned for more events in the future. All camps provide financial support options, including travel and lodging.
Ski Camp with Vermont Adaptive Ski & Sports
January 17 – 20 | Sugarbush, Vermont
Applications closed.
Winter Camp with Shepherd Center and National Ability Center (NAC)
January 22 – 26 | Park City, Utah
Applications closed.
Turns & Berms with Oregon Adaptive Sports
May 2 – 5 | Bend, OR
Applications closed.
Summer Camp with Shepherd Center and Steamboat Adaptive Recreational Sports (STARS)
July 22 – 25 | Steamboat, Colorado
Applications closed.
Teen Rehabilition Camp (TRAC) with Craig Hospital
July 28 – August 3 | Park City, Utah
Applications closed.
October 1 – 4 | Burke, Vermont
Applications open. Sign up here.
Why are camps so important?
Camps provide shared sports experiences and open the door to new friendships being formed. They give individuals the opportunity to share their stories and be in a room of people just like them. Plus, it creates a unique opportunity for participants to grow their skills, both learning from incredible instructors and their peers. As a part of the KBF’s initiative to provide more meaningful support for people with SCI, camps offer the perfect opportunity to foster community.
2023 Camp Recaps
- KBF Ski Camp at Sugarbush Resort, Vermont – Photos & Recap Blog!
- Turns & Berms in Bend, Oregon – Photos & Recap Blog!
- TRAC Camp in Jackson, Wyoming – Photos & Recap Blog!
- KBF aMTB Camp in Burke, Vermont – Photos & Recap Blog!