Thank You Inspire!SanFrancisco Guests, Sponsors, and Host Committee!

The Kelly Brush Foundation hosted Inspire!SanFrancisco at the top of Salesforce Tower on Thursday, October 24th. Thanks to our amazing host committee, generous sponsors, and enthusiastic guests it was a fun and successful event! We had 230 people join us for the evening, raising nearly $175,000 to help people with spinal cord injuries find community, health, and wellness through adaptive sports! Although this was only our second year having an event in San Francisco, we have already built strong local partnerships and are so grateful for our Bay Area friends. Thank you to everyone who contributed, your donation will help change someone’s life.
At last year’s Inspire!SanFrancisco we surprised local adaptive athlete Steve Lau with a grant for an offroad handcycle. This year Steve was on stage representing KBF as both a good friend and an important voice on our 2019 grants committee. We wanted to give Steve the opportunity to pass the torch, and help surprise one of the adaptive athletes in the audience. So this year we surprised Channing with grant for a paracanoe, to help her pursue her Paralympic dreams! Channing lives in California and had applied to a Fall 2019 Active Fund grant. It was very special for us to share that moment with our attendees, as your support helps make hundreds of these moments happen every year!
Thank you again everyone who made Inspire!SanFrancisco a fun and successful night. Your support, enthusiasm and generosity is changing lives!
Montgomery & Christy Kersten
David & Moni Butze
Rick & Kathy Kimball
Anne Kubik & Mike Krupka
Alta Partners
John & Carolyn Biasotti
Silicon Valley Bank
Apple West Home Medical Supply
Berg Health
Su-Moon Paik & Bob Brown
Ricardo & Lisa Capretta
Heron Family Foundation
George Macomber Family Fund
Peter & Lacee Phillips
ACC Consumer Finance
Bianco Family
Bogle Vineyards
Patrick & Denise Courtney
Firestone Walker Brewing Company
Jim Fitzmaurice
Morson Performance Tennis